Is it just me or does every mention of geo-engineering bring to mind of our failures with Biosphere 2?
Death of a camera: Part IV
Death of a camera: Part III
Death of a camera: Part II
If you’re reading this, the rapture probably hasn’t happened ((As with all my posts, this has been scheduled in advance, so I may have “left the building”.)). But then again, what would you expect from a non-prophet organization?
Victoria Day weekend
Grass ain't green
You may have heard about a Robert and Brenda Vale’s book Time to Eat the Dog?: The Real Guide to Sustainable Living in which they claim that dogs have a greater (negative) environmental impact than SUVs and/or read a criticism of it (which itself contains flaws) ((I haven’t read the book.)). I’d long wondered about things such as dog pedicures, hotels, vaccinations, etc. and someone had already crunched some numbers to give a ballpark figure. After watching a neighbour turn on his sprinkler system while it was raining last week, I thought I’d finally do a calculation I’d similarly meant to do for a long time: look at the environmental impact of a well-manicured lawn. As it turns out, someone has again already done the calculation. However, one thing from that page really stood out: “Lawn mowing contributes 5% of the total United States GHG’s, according to the EPA“.
So the next time you think that green lawns are better than concrete jungles, just remember that each sliver of manicured grass is like a vampire fang extending out of the earth, draining precious resources.
Can you feel the democracy?
It’s election day! I’ve voted. Have you?
Updated: Wow. Just wow. That was totally unexpected.
My high school, homeless
Last week, my high school, the University of Toronto Schools (UTS), sent out an e-mail concerning the University of Toronto’s rejection of its site redevelopment proposal, effectively thanking UTS for all the fish. Though not entirely surprising, what was surprising was finding an article in the Globe and Mail about it this morning, prompting this off-cycle blog post. Not being half as eloquent as my academic siblings, I will try to keep it brief.
Like Paper Mario, Paper Inflo
At the request of jp, I have created a version of Inflo that’s more napkin-like. It’s fully compatible with the regular version of Inflo (it has a few known quirks because a) this is a hack and b) we’ll see how popular it is). However, it’s not yet linked in to the regular Inflo, yet. To use it, for any Inflo URL, replace with For example, to view one of apsmith‘s graphs in paper form, visit (note the extra “paper.html”); you’ll need to scroll to the top left after the page has loaded.